Getting Along at Work
Businesses often require staff with a large assortment of background experience and schooling, so it should cause little wonder that getting along at work could be an issue for some of them. People who have invested heavily in education might not be able to interact well with someone who barely managed to earn any diploma, and the person with little schooling could misunderstand the person nitpicky about how their work is performed. Each of these people brings their valuable talents to the job, but their differences in background and education could turn the workplace in a setting where they no longer want to be. Solving these types of personality issues is difficult for many employers, but they must be solved if the workforce is to cooperate effectively.
Formal Complaints
It might seem ridiculous in a small company to force employees who have issues with their co-workers to file formal complaints when they do not get along, but it is a good way to sort out those who are serious about an issue. If they are willing to take the time to put it in writing, then their supervisor or owner should get involved. They should then sit down with each person and try to figure out the base of the issue, so they can then get them together to attempt a solution.
The Constant Complainer
Few people are willing to go to work every day to listen to someone who is always down about the company or their work, and the constant complainer can become an issue for many employees. Their personality type is one where they always see the negative side of everything, and their lack of optimism is difficult to deal with on a regular basis. They could receive many complaints from others based on their attitude, and it has been known for employers to let these people go to keep their good workers happy. Some of them do have the ability to tone down their rhetoric, and that should always be the first solution.
Ignoring the Situation
There are times when people will find their own way to get along, but ignoring the situation in a work setting can be a very bad idea. If the person in charge allows the situation to continue past what is just an annoyance, other employees will eventually get involved. Once they choose sides, there will be little that can be done to alleviate the situation. Firing one person or both could upset the entire company, and some key workers might decide it is best to move to other employment. At the very least, the owner or supervisor of the people not getting along should acknowledge the issue.
Getting along with others in the workplace should be something everyone knows how to do, but it is not something generally taught in any school. It might be difficult to be pleasant all the time, but making the attempt can make it easier for everyone to work together. Those who believe they are somehow special and able to annoy others should be counseled, and they should be dismissed if their attitude does not change.